devtoolsinstall.packages(c("dplyr", "sf", "stars", "geodata",
"dismo", "lubridate", "sdmpredictors",
"ggplot2", "cmocean", "janitor", "DT",
We will use the presence and absence data and the environmental layers that we created in the previous steps to assemble the data frames needed to fit our SDM model.
Pre-SDM Set-up
You will need to install a new version of maxnet for this tutorial. No need to do this on the JupyterHub. It is already installed.
Load the needed packages.
Set the file location.
::i_am("tutorial/Steps_sdm_maxnet.Rmd") here
here() starts at /Users/eli.holmes/Documents/GitHub/ohw23_proj_marinesdms
Load region files. We created our region objects in a separate file Region data and saved these in data/region
. We will load these now.
Load the bounding box polygon and create a bounding box.
#Loading bounding box for the area of interest
<- here::here("data", "region", "BoundingBox.shp")
fil <- sf::read_sf(fil)
extent_polygon <- sf::st_bbox(extent_polygon) bbox
Load occurence data
Here we load the data prepared in the previous step.
# presence data
<- here::here("data", "raw-bio", "io-sea-turtles-clean.csv")
fil <- read.csv(fil) occ.sub
Create sf_points data frame.
<- sf::st_as_sf(occ.sub, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
occ.points head(occ.points)
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 7 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 53.083 ymin: 6.40193 xmax: 59.87883 ymax: 24.577
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
sci.name obsv.datetime life.stage bathy SST SSS common.name
1 Caretta caretta 2011-04-12T19:12:41Z Juvenile 3051 28.67 35.74 Loggerhead
2 Chelonia mydas 2018-03-31T06:44:00Z <NA> 14 27.96 38.71 Green
3 Chelonia mydas 2019-05-28T12:15:00Z <NA> 2 27.93 38.65 Green
4 Caretta caretta 2011-04-11T04:03:19Z Juvenile 2736 26.92 36.10 Loggerhead
5 Caretta caretta 2011-03-24T14:33:23Z Juvenile 2030 26.68 36.05 Loggerhead
6 Chelonia mydas 2018-04-05T23:33:00Z <NA> 2 27.94 38.67 Green
1 POINT (59.87883 6.40193)
2 POINT (53.201 24.508)
3 POINT (53.083 24.577)
4 POINT (54.28696 16.05778)
5 POINT (53.83602 16.52469)
6 POINT (53.092 24.549)
Load background data
# absence data
<- here::here("data", "raw-bio", "pts_absence.csv")
fil <- read.csv(fil) # X is lon and Y is lat pts.abs
Check column names.
[1] "X" "Y"
Change columns names to lon and lat and remove any NAs in the data.
colnames(pts.abs) <- c("lon","lat")
<- na.omit(pts.abs) pts.abs
Convert to sf_points object. Set the crs to 4326.
<- sf::st_as_sf(pts.abs, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) abs.points
Get the environment for the lat/lon locations
Here we create the data frame with the environmental variables for our presence and absence locations.
Load environmental layers
Set the location of the data directory.
<- here::here("data", "env")
dir_env options(sdmpredictors_datadir = dir_env)
Specify the layers that we want. The layers were saved to the data/env
<- c("BO_sstmean", "BO_bathymean", "BO22_ph", "BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean", "BO2_salinitymean_ss", "BO2_chlomean_ss", "BO21_nitratemean_ss") layercodes
Load the layers into the env
object. We want to set rasterstack equal true to get one file for our variables.
<- sdmpredictors::load_layers(layercodes, rasterstack = TRUE) env
Create a stars object
There are a few ways that we can get the values of the environmental variables in our raster stack for the lat/lon locations. We will use the stars and terra functions as these are the new (2023) packages in R for this purpose. You will find older approaches if you search and possibly AI will suggest older approaches.
Step one is to convert our raster stack to a stars object and split the stars object into layers.
<- stars::st_as_stars(env) # convert to stars object
env.stars <- terra::split(env.stars) env.stars
Extract the variables for our points
Now we can extract the variables for our presence and absence points.
<- stars::st_extract(env.stars, sf::st_coordinates(occ.points)) %>%
occ.env ::as_tibble()
<- stars::st_extract(env.stars, sf::st_coordinates(abs.points)) %>%
abs.env ::as_tibble() dplyr
Now we have a data frame with the variables for presence and absence.
# A tibble: 6 × 7
BO_sstmean BO_bathymean BO22_ph BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean BO2_salinitymean_ss
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 28.4 -2445 8.16 111. 36.2
2 26.9 -3142 8.12 119. 36.5
3 28.3 -4549 8.19 159. 36.0
4 27.1 -4970 8.17 180. 35.5
5 26.8 -3869 8.16 156. 36.0
6 28.0 -5095 8.17 183. 35.4
# ℹ 2 more variables: BO2_chlomean_ss <dbl>, BO21_nitratemean_ss <dbl>
Let’s check the sizes. They should have the same number of rows.
[1] 2064 8
[1] 2064 7
Let’s check the sizes. They should have the same number of rows.
[1] 1000 1
[1] 1000 7
Our environmental data have some NAs. We need to remove these.
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Remove the NAs.
<- na.omit(occ.env)
occ.env <- na.omit(abs.env) abs.env
SDM Model
We will fit with MaxEnt using the maxnet package. The function is
mod <- maxnet::maxnet(pres, env_df)
is a data frame of environmental data (in columns) for each location (in rows) of the presences and absences. presis a string of 0s and 1s specifying if the row in
environ` is a presence (1) or absence (0).
Set up the env_df
We combining the two data frames with rbind()
<- rbind(occ.env, abs.env) env_df
Set up the pres
The rows of occ.env
are all 1 (presence) and the rows of abs.env
are all 0 (absent).
<- c(rep(1, nrow(occ.env)), rep(0, nrow(abs.env))) pres
Run the model
<- maxnet::maxnet(pres, env_df) sdm.model
Model metrics
<- plot(sdm.model, type = "cloglog") responses
Save model
<- env.stars %>% sf::st_crop(bbox)
env.stars.crop <- here::here("data", "models", "io-turtle.RData")
fil save(sdm.model, env.stars.crop, occ.points, abs.points, file=fil)