Fitting models

Data frame

In general, when fitting any SDM in R, one uses a data frame where each row is an observation or absence. The first column is typically a presence/absence column (0/1). This is followed by columns of the environmental variables for each presence/absence. For debugging, it is probably wise to keep the lat/lon columns and date values associated with the points and perhaps a id column. In the turtorial, we did not do that.


Once one has the data frame, fitting will generally look like

fun(pres ~ ., data = df)

For example,

mod <- gam(pres ~ ., data = df)

To fit a generalized additive model.

Thus presence is defined as a function of all the variables in the data frame and fun() specifies the model.

For maxnet, format is slightly different:

mod <- maxnet(pres, df %>% select(-pres))

Thus the 0/1 for each row is the first argument and the second argument is the environmental variables only.