Get environmental data for the occurrence locations

We are going to download environment data layers using sdmpredictors R package. We need to specify the directory where we will do this. We created the env directory in the data directory for this purpose.

Ultimately we need to get a data frame with the environmental data for the occurrence and absence lat/lon locations.

Set up

Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
Loading required package: sp

Set the directory where we will save environmental data layers.

dir_env <- here::here("data", "env")
options(sdmpredictors_datadir = dir_env)

Add datasets

We will use the sdmpredictors R package which has marine data layers.

# choose marine
env_datasets <- sdmpredictors::list_datasets(terrestrial = FALSE, marine = TRUE)

Show the available variables

The dataframe is large. We will use the DT package to make the table pretty in html.

env_layers <- sdmpredictors::list_layers(env_datasets$dataset_code)


See the Background discussion on how we decided on the environmental variables that we would use from the sdmpredictors R package.

layercodes <- c("BO_sstmean", "BO_bathymean", "BO22_ph", "BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean", "BO2_salinitymean_ss", "BO2_chlomean_ss", "BO21_nitratemean_ss")

Load layers

We want to set rasterstack equal true to get one file for our variables. This will save the files to data/env and we can load the files in later steps.

env <- sdmpredictors::load_layers(layercodes, rasterstack = TRUE)

Visualize the environment data

Load the bounding box.

#Loading bounding box for the area of interest
fil <- here::here("data", "region", "BoundingBox.shp")
extent_polygon <- read_sf(fil)

Make a plot of all the layers cropped to our bounding box.

io.rast <- raster::crop(env, raster::extent(extent_polygon))

Environmental predictors for points

We will use the stars package to sample from our raster layers.

Load in our point data as data frames.

# presence data
fil <- here::here("data", "raw-bio", "io-sea-turtles-clean.csv")
df.occ <- read.csv(fil) 

# absence data
fil <- here::here("data", "raw-bio", "pts_absence.csv")
df.abs <- read.csv(fil)
colnames(df.abs) <- c("lon", "lat")

Convert data frames to sf points objects. This is what stars needs.

df.abs <- na.omit(df.abs) # just in case
sf.abs <- sf::st_as_sf(df.abs, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
sf.occ <- sf::st_as_sf(df.occ, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)

Convert the raster stack to a stars object.

env.stars <- stars::st_as_stars(env) # convert to stars object
env.stars <- terra::split(env.stars)

Get environment values for the absence points. Each row in sf.abs is a row in env.abs.

env.abs <- stars::st_extract(env.stars, sf::st_coordinates(sf.abs)) %>% 
  dplyr::as_tibble() %>% 

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  BO_sstmean BO_bathymean BO22_ph BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean BO2_salinitymean_ss
       <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>                 <dbl>               <dbl>
1       28.4        -2445    8.16                  111.                36.2
2       26.9        -3142    8.12                  119.                36.5
3       28.3        -4549    8.19                  159.                36.0
4       27.1        -4970    8.17                  180.                35.5
5       26.8        -3869    8.16                  156.                36.0
6       28.0        -5095    8.17                  183.                35.4
# ℹ 2 more variables: BO2_chlomean_ss <dbl>, BO21_nitratemean_ss <dbl>

Get environment values for the occurence points. Each row in sf.occ is a row in env.occ.

env.occ <- stars::st_extract(env.stars, sf::st_coordinates(sf.occ)) %>% 
  dplyr::as_tibble() %>% 

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  BO_sstmean BO_bathymean BO22_ph BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean BO2_salinitymean_ss
       <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>                 <dbl>               <dbl>
1       28.6        -3158    8.18                 154.                 35.7
2       27.6           -8    8.13                 198.                 38.7
3       27.6           -4    8.13                 198.                 38.7
4       26.9        -2759    8.14                 127.                 36.1
5       26.9        -2067    8.14                  98.6                36.0
6       27.6           -6    8.13                 198.                 38.7
# ℹ 2 more variables: BO2_chlomean_ss <dbl>, BO21_nitratemean_ss <dbl>

Now make this into one data frame with a pa column for 1 is a occurrence row and 0 if an absence row.

pres <- c(rep(1, nrow(env.occ)), rep(0, nrow(env.abs)))
sdm_data <- data.frame(pa = pres, rbind(env.occ, env.abs))
  pa BO_sstmean BO_bathymean BO22_ph BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean BO2_salinitymean_ss
1  1     28.648        -3158   8.181             154.32448            35.73521
2  1     27.585           -8   8.133             197.65898            38.71139
3  1     27.553           -4   8.133             197.66029            38.65246
4  1     26.883        -2759   8.142             127.38091            36.10051
5  1     26.942        -2067   8.139              98.57215            36.04962
6  1     27.606           -6   8.133             197.74764            38.67334
  BO2_chlomean_ss BO21_nitratemean_ss
1        0.107879            0.132562
2        0.141303            0.000003
3        0.141299            0.000002
4        0.293972            0.691326
5        0.517558            1.127677
6        0.141344            0.000002

Save to a file. We will use for other models.

fil <- here::here("data", "raw-bio", "sdm_data.csv")
write.csv(sdm_data, row.names = FALSE, file=fil)