OHW24 Projects List#

Projects from OceanHackWeek 2024.

Projects led by Bigelow participants#

1. PACE Tutorial Group: creating examples to work with PACE satellite data#

2. XArray load_by_step: An accessor for loading huge files from a THREDDS server#

3. Organizing and cataloging datasets and data access methods used in OHW projects#

4. Upscaling sea surface height gridded data using neural networks#

5. P.A.C.E.: People Accessing Cool Examples - Streamlit app and tutorial#

6. Maine Icons: A Species Distribution Model and Educational Tool to Highlight Gulf of Maine Creatures#

7. Variability in North Atlantic SST: Models vs. Observations#

Projects led by Australian participants#

1. Message Me When It’s Hot - The MHW visualisation and app#

2. Beautifying FishMIP shiny app#

3. Micronekton Imagery Pipeline + AI#

4. Extracting data using overlapping polygons from a data cube using Python#