OceanHackWeek 2023 (OHW23)#
OceanHackWeek 2023 (OHW23) will take a hybrid form consisting of a virtual event, an in-person event in Seattle, US, and an in-person event in Dunsbrough, Western Australia. It will take place on:
August 7-11, for the virtual event and the in-person event in Seattle, US.
August 8-12, for the in-person event in Western Australia.
The OceanHackWeek program consists of hands-on tutorials, visual presentations, and collaborative hack projects throughout a 5-day period. The in-person event will be connected closely with the virtual event.
Technical preparations and background for OceanHackWeek!
Please review the “Preparation” materials covering basic topics like
package management and the OHWJupyterHub
For tutorials on Python and R scientific tools and techniques that we will use in OceanHackWeek, see the OHW 2022 tutorials page!
Join us for five days of hands-on tutorials, data exploration, software development, presentations, collaborative hack projects and community networking!
See the OHW21 program (a hybrid event) to get a better sense of the usual activities and how they’re organized.
A hybrid in-person and virtual event#
In-person and virtual participants in this hybrid event will have access to the same online resources and common communication channels. We will facilitate engagement with one another in projects and in helping each other regardless of participation modality.
See the schedules here.
The virtual event#
Structured activity time for the Virtual Event will take place 9am - 12pm US Pacific Time / UTC-7. This will include all interactive OHW23 tutorials delivered in real time, project collaboration, and other OHW-wide community building activities. The tutorials will be recorded and posted soon after the end of the daily 3-hour Zoom event.

There will also be optional facilitated contact hours provisionally from 8am - 9am, 12pm - 1pm and between 4pm - 8pm US Pacific Time, to accommodate different time zones. These hours will be focused on project work and facilitation.
Individual participation for project work outside of these hours is strongly encouraged.
US in-person event#
There will be approximately 20 participants at the University of Washington, in Seattle, Washington. The event will be all day (approximately 9am - 6pm PT) for the 5-day period.
Australia in-person event#
The event will be all day (approximately 8am - 5pm AWST / UTC+8) for the 5-day period, and will take place on days that coincide with the virtual and US in-person events – Tuesday Aug. 8 - Saturday Aug 12, local AWST time. OHW Australia will be held in Dunsbrough Western Australia. Accommodation will be provided at the Dunsbrough Beach Cottages, and will consist of shared cabins. The event is self-catering, much like a typical field trip, basic food will be provided, participants are expected to help cook, prepare food and clean dishes. If you need to bring a caregiver to look after young children, please contact local organiser. Trasport from Perth to Dunsbrough will be provided leaving the morning of Aug 7 from Perth and returning Sunday Aug 13. Each day the hackathon will be conducted from the Eagle Bay Community Hall in Eagle Bay. We will have both morning and afternoon walks to compliment the indoor activities. A small travel budget is available for interstate participants to take part in OHW Australia.
OHW23 Sponsors#