OceanHackWeek 2022 (OHW22)#
OceanHackWeek 2022 will happen from August 15-19, 2022. The workshop will take a hybrid form consisting of a global virtual event and a number of regional satellite events that are either in-person or virtual.
The OceanHackWeek program consists of hands-on tutorials, visual presentations, and collaborative hack projects throughout a 5-day period. Participants can apply for being in one of the regional satellites or the virtual global event. Regional satellite events are connected closely with the virtual global event, while providing additional collaboration and networking opportunities on a regional basis.
See the OHW21 program (a hybrid event) to get a better sense of the usual activities and how they’re organized.
Join OHW22 global virtual tutorials!
Tutorials will be delivered on Zoom here. Find password on the Slack channel #ohw22_general!
A Global Virtual Event and Six Regional Satellites#
Global and satellite participants will have access to the same online resources and common communication channels, and will be encouraged to engage with one another.
Global Virtual Event#

The Global Virtual Event will take place through synchronous 3-hour periods per day and asynchronous collaboration. It will include all interactive OHW22 tutorials delivered in real time, project brainstorming, and other OHW-wide community building activities. The tutorials will be recorded and posted after the presentation. The exact hours of this global event are still being finalized, but we anticipate the activity time to be structured around the US Pacific Time (UTC-7) this year.
Regional Satellites#
Six Regional Satellite Events will take place this year to serve as local connecting points for project work, community building, and engaging potential future OHW organizers. OHW22 organizers invite participants geographically located near one of these regional satellites or interested in virtual participation in a specific satellite to select one of these events. The satellite events may be virtual or in-person and take different formats depending on the event organizers. In-person participants may be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
In coordination with the OHW Northwest satellite event, there will be a 3-week-long undergraduate summer program “Data Science in Oceanography” taking place in-person on August 8-26 at the University of Washington. This program will provide opportunities for undergraduate students in data-driven research in oceanography. See the satellite event page for detail.
OHW22 Sponsors#