
Welcome to OceanHackWeek 2021 (OHW21)! OHW21 is a 4-day collaborative learning experience taking place August 3-6, 2021, as a hybrid in-person and virtual event. It is aimed at exploring, creating and promoting effective computation and analysis workflows for large and complex oceanographic data. It includes tutorials, data exploration, software development, collaborative projects and community networking. At our general web site (https://oceanhackweek.github.io) you can read more about OceanHackWeek, including the OHW21 organizing committee and links to events from previous years.

To make sure that OHW21 will be a welcoming environment for everyone, please read our Code of Conduct carefully as part of your preparation. We expect all participants to adhere to the Code of Conduct in all interactions throughout the hackweek.


There are three different schedules, corresponding to the in-person event, the main virtual event and the Oceania virtual event. The "Oceania" virtual event is intended to accommodate participants from Australia to India. You will be asked to choose between the two virtual groups. Go to the Schedule page for details.


We will use a JupyterHub-based online environment for all OceanHackWeek computational activities, including tutorials; this environment supports both Python and R. You will need a robust internet connection and a capable laptop or desktop computer. On July 29 and 30, we will offer short "pre-hackweek" optional sessions to answer questions on the basics of Git, GitHub, Jupyter and core R and Python scientific libraries, and OceanHackWeek in general. The schedule is available in the Schedule page, and the Zoom link will be sent via Slack.

We will use Slack, Zoom and GitHub as our primary communication and content delivery platforms. The week before OceanHackWeek you will receive via email an invitation to join the OceanHackWeek GitHub organization, https://github.com/oceanhackweek/.