Searchable Table of Datasets

Year Project Datasets
2024 Maine Icons: A Species Distribution Model and Educational Tool to Highlight Gulf of Maine Creatures Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), Bio-ORACLE Atmosphere/Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM)
2024 PACE Tutorial Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission
2024 Extracting data using overlapping polygons from a data cube using Python eReefs hydrodynamical model output and GBRMPA (s3 bucket links on GH repo)
2024 Micronekton Imagery Pipeline + AI PLAOS data: acoustic, imagery (vertical stereo cameras and oblique camera) and log data and oblique imagery from IN2020_V08 (links needed)
2024 Message Me When It's Hot - The Marine Heatwave (MHW) Visualisation and Report App IMOS Mooring data
2023 Oil Spill Monitoring SAR-2000 imaging sensor, COSMO-SkyMed satellite, CSKS2
2023 Marine Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) OBIS via robis, SMDpredictor R package
2023 Inertial oscillations in the marginal ice zone VIIRS instruments, Joint Polar Satellite System, EarthDataSearch
2023 Machine learning for Argo Data QC Argo data accessed via argopy
2023 Benthic habitat mapping Geodata
2023 Mooring processing and data page (“fancy moorings”) CIOOS Moorings, NANOOS Moorings, Project website
2023 SST spatial distribution prediction using machine learning MUR Satellite Data, NASA website
2023 Passive acoustics monitoring Pacific Sound, IMOS Acoustic Data
2023 Direct geo referencing drone images Drone survey carried out in 14 February (CSIRO Kensington)
2023 Variability of the suppression of South Australian upwelling SA coastal mooring data, SA NRS station data, SA moorings summary, AODN portal
2023 Bioinformatic pipelines for standardized output OBITools reference database
2022 Arctic observing data access and visualization Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO), Arctic data, EcoFOCI, Arctic Flux data from Saildrones, International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) Data
2022 Kerchunk! Bless you Himawari 8 Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
2022 Mapping eddy flow structures using GCM-Filters NCAR dataset from the Pangeo Catalog
2022 Ocean Database for South Atlantic Brazilian National Buoy Program - PNBOIA.
2022 Lightweight ocean passive acoustic data query Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), and Ocean Networks Canada (OCN) (links needed)
2022 XYZT - Streamline extraction of data Copernicus, EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
2022 ENSO prediction using Deep Learning Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
2022 Assessing ocean drivers of coastal physical processes (in Spanish) Buoy ADCP data and satellite data (links needed)
2022 Unsupervised classification of Flow Cytometry TS data SeaFlow flow cytometer on the HOT-297 cruise at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific