List of OHW Projects

OHW24 Projects

List of OHW24 projects and datasets used:

  1. Maine Icons: A Species Distribution Model and Educational Tool to Highlight Gulf of Maine Creatures: used biological data from Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), environmental data from Bio-ORACLE, and prediction data from the Atmosphere/Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM).
  2. PACE Tutorial: used date from the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.
  3. Extracting data using overlapping polygons from a data cube using Python: used data from eReefs hydrodynamical model output at 1km cell resolution and GBRMPA, stored in s3 buckets.
  4. Micronekton Imagery Pipeline + AI: used PLAOS data: acoustic, imagery (vertical stereo cameras and oblique camera) and log data and oblique imagery from IN2020_V08 (links needed).
  5. Message Me When It’s Hot - The Marine Heatwave (MHW) Visualisation and Report App: used IMOS Mooring data - MHW data products and Long-Term Time Series Product (LTS) at Port Hacking and Maria Island - as well as IMOS FishSOOP data (NetCDF, on request from @mphemming) and Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST).

OHW23 Projects

List of OHW23 projects and datasets used:

  1. The Oil Spill Monitoring team used images taken from a SAR-2000 imaging sensor on the second COSMO-SkyMed satellite called CSKS2.
  2. The Marine SDM team produced a beautiful tutorial accessing OBIS via robis and environmental data via the SMDpredictor R package. Their tutorial is already so good that we should highlight it on the website, IMO.
  3. Inertial oscillations in the marginal ice zone: used data from the VIIRS instruments installed on the Joint Polar Satellite System. Cloud-based data from the Suomi-NPP and JPSS-1/NOAA-20 satellites was accessed from EarthDataSearch.
  4. Machine learning for Argo Data QC: data accessed via argopy.
  5. Benthic habitat mapping: used some kind of geodata but I can’t tell from where at a glance. This notebook seems to be for downloading data
  6. Mooring processing and data page (“fancy moorings”): used data from CIOOS Moorings and NANOOS Moorings. They also made their own website.
  7. SST spatial distribution prediction using machine learning: used MUR Satellite Data (2002-present) from an S3 bucket, and NASA website
  8. Passive acoustics monitoring: used and imos-data/IMOS/ANMN/Acoustic/ (maybe this one?)
  9. Direct geo referencing drone images: Drone survey carried out in 14 February (CSIRO Kensington)
  10. Variability of the suppression of South Australian upwelling: IMOS bucket for SA coastal mooring data: IMOS bucket for SA NRS station data: SA coastal moorings and NRS station technical summary, where you can find the code names for active and deactivated moorings which are important to download the data from the IMOS bucket: AODN portal:
  11. Bioinformatic pipelines for standardized output: Created a custom reference database using only fish species from the OBITools reference database (see the Wolves tutorial for more information).

OHW22 Projects

  1. Arctic observing data access and visualization: used data from the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO), Arctic data, EcoFOCI, Arctic Flux data from Saildrones, and the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) Data. They might have used even more beyond this, and have details on their GH README.
  2. Kerchunk! Bless you: used data from Himawari 8 Sea Surface Temperature.
  3. Mapping eddy flow structures using GCM-Filters: used an NCAR dataset from the Pangeo Catalog.
  4. Ocean Database for South Atlantic: used data from the Brazilian National Buoy Program - PNBOIA.
  5. Lightweight ocean passive acoustic data query: used data from Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), and Ocean Networks Canada (OCN)
  6. XYZT - Streamline extraction of data: used data from Copernicus and the EU MSFD.
  7. ENSO prediction using Deep Learning: used coarsened CESM2 Large Ensemble members (SST fields) from 1° to 3° resolution and used the first 10 of 100 CESM2 LE members. Maybe from a CMIP catalog, hard to tell.
  8. Radar Doppler Spectra imaging data quality control: missing gH repository for this project, need to search OHW repo list.
  9. Assessing ocean drivers of coastal physical processes (in Spanish): used buoy ADCP data and satellite data (links needed).
  10. Nutrient Profile Clustering - only has 1 commit, looks like it was never finished.
  11. Unsupervised classification of Flow Cytometry TS data: used data from the SeaFlow flow cytometer on the HOT-297 cruise at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific.
  12. SiMCosta Buoy: used SiMCosta Datasets from Buoy SC-1
  13. Biofouled: used oxygen data from OOI moorigs accessible.
  14. Langrangian dispersion
  15. Extreme events / anomaly detection
  16. Seismic Wave Speed From an Alaska Earthquake
  17. Evaluation of biological indicators in the Galapagos (in Spanish)
  18. The ultimate collection of plotting example notebooks
  19. FrontFinder
  20. Project Video Data Processing

OHW21 Projects

  1. Characterising Acoustic Sound Scattering Layers
  2. CMIP analysis ready data (ARD) workflow : turning big climate projection data into useful inputs for modelling or analysis
  3. Matching open source environmental data to tagged species data (“Xtractopy”)
  4. Predicting ocean deep currents by satellite data
  5. Pull/Hack all ocean data repositories into a global searchable resource
  6. Quality control of high frequency radar data
  7. High frequency radar surface current data comparisons
  8. Use drone imagery of turtles, classify using neural network
  9. Continuing OHW2020 project on OBIS and MPAs
  10. Impact of Submarine Volcanism on Ocean World Habitability
  11. Sampling high-resolution model output as if by an in situ platform (ship, glider, mooring, etc.)

OHW20 Projects

  1. Cloud-based Gap-free SST product
  2. Spatio-temporal Mapping of Argo data
  3. Visualizing the shelfbreak front in the northern Mid-Atlantic Bight with OOI data
  4. Use the package pyXpcm to identify ocean regions
  5. Ship track segmentor
  6. Species assemblages in marine protected areas and associated species distribution models
  7. Marine Heat Wave (MHW) analysis with xarray
  8. Co-locators expansion

OHW19 Projects

  2. Trackpy
  3. Isopy
  4. Underwater Currency Counter
  5. Co-Locators
  6. 21st Century Prediction of Fish Larvae Catch Using ML
  7. Modeling Volcano Deformation at Axial Seamount
  8. DataStreamSync
  9. MLQC
  10. Working with Chlorophyll Data from the Cloud
  11. Amazon Fires

OHW18 Projects

  1. Echopype
  2. YodaIM
  3. Ocean Machine LEarning Toolkit (OMLET)
  4. Southern Ocean
  5. Mussel Beach
  6. Sharknado
  7. Profiles
  8. LTER Visualization
  9. OOI Data Validation
  10. Shallow Profiler Motion
  11. ERDDAP Explorer