# Tutorials We are pleased to present a number of tutorials during the week. These tutorials provide a look into the work that your colleagues pursue using coding tools. The software for most tutorials can be downloaded using the tools described in our [Tutorials Getting Started page](../tutorials_getting_started.md). Please check the [schedule](../schedule.md) for the times of these presentations. ```{admonition} Technical preparations and background for OceanHackWeek! - Please review the ["Preparation" materials](../../resources/prep/index.md) covering basic topics like `Git`, `GitHub`, `conda` package management and the OHW `JupyterHub` - For tutorials on Python and R scientific tools and techniques that we will use in OceanHackWeek, see the [OHW 2022 tutorials page](../../ohw22/tutorials-index/index.md)! ``` ## Main tutorials The following tutorials will be presented live during the **US sessions**, and will be recorded for later review. ### Monday, August 26th [Christian Sarason](https://apl.uw.edu/people/profile.php?last_name=Sarason&first_name=Christian) Fight the dreaded 'It works for me' demon with conda package management and jupyter notebooks: This tutorial will describe some of the pros, cons and pitfalls of package management and take quick tour of Pixi and JupyterLab using an example project. ### Tuesday, August 27th [Callum Rollo](https://callumrollo.github.io/) - Data Access in Python: In this tutorial, participants will use Python to find and access ocean data via a range of protocols including ERDDAP, OPeNDAP and WMS. [Rich Signell](https://opensciencecomputing.com/) - Xarray Tutorial [Ciara Dorsay](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ciara-dorsay/) - Assessing weather model skill during extreme events: NOAA GFS vs. Sofar Spotter buoy observations of Hurricane Henri: In this tutorial, participants will learn how to query data of different formats (point-wise buoy, gridded weather model) from Amazon's S3 cloud object storage system, collocate the two, and calculate and visualize the differences between them during a notable weather event using Python. ### Wednesday, August 28th [Myranda Shirk](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/datascience/person/myranda-uselton-shirk/?type=lab) - AI-Assisted Programming: With the recent success of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, mastery of a programming language is no longer required to write successful code. In this tutorial, we will explore the new workflow of AI-assisted programming and how it can streamline your hackathon project, no matter your coding experience. [Jiarui Yu](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jiarui-yu-0b0ab522b/) - Introduction to Transformers: This tutorial includes Transformer’s encoder structure in detail, presenting attention mechanism and transforming the encoder to VIT in order to process 2-d image classification. ### Thursday, August 29th [Camille Ross](https://www.neaq.org/person/camille-ross/) - R Application ## Lectures and Discussions Finally, each year we offer brief sessions on non-coding aspects of computational oceanography; this year we are pleased to offer the following. - [Eli Holmes](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/contact/elizabeth-holmes-phd) - **Reproducible Collaboration**. - [Myranda Shirk](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/datascience/person/myranda-uselton-shirk/?type=lab) - **AI use-case discussion** following a tutorial on AI-Assisted Programming. - [Alex Kerney](https://github.com/abkfenris) - [**Stresses in the geosciences**](https://github.com/oceanhackweek/ohw-tutorials/tree/OHW23/02-Wed/README.md), an open discussion about mental health in the geosciences. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ../tutorials_getting_started ../tutorials/01-Tue/Data_access_methods_Python.ipynb machine-learning.md ../tutorials/02-Wed/ai_assisted_programming_ohw.ipynb ../tutorials/02-Wed/xarray-in-45-min.ipynb ../tutorials/03-Thu/OHW_omics_lesson.ipynb ```