# OceanHackWeek 2024 (OHW24) OceanHackWeek 2024 (OHW24) will be held on **August 26-30, 2024** as two in-person events, in East Boothbay, Maine, US and in Sydney, Australia. The US event will take place at the [Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences](https://www.bigelow.org). The OceanHackWeek program consists of hands-on tutorials, visual presentations, and collaborative hack projects throughout a 5-day period. ```{admonition} Technical preparations and background for OceanHackWeek! - Please review the ["Preparation" materials](../resources/prep/index.md) covering basic topics like `Git`, `GitHub`, `conda` package management and the OHW `JupyterHub` - For tutorials on Python and R scientific tools and techniques that we will use in OceanHackWeek, see the [OHW 2022 tutorials page](../ohw22/tutorials-index/index.md)! ``` ```{image} ../assets/images/ohw_hacking/ohw21-Bigelow-outing.jpg :alt: OHW21 in person, taking a break :width: 230px :align: left ``` The events will be all-day workshops (approximately 9am - 5pm). Join us for five days of hands-on tutorials, data exploration, software development, presentations, collaborative hack projects and community networking! ## In-person event in Maine See the [schedules here](schedule.md). ## OHW24 Sponsors
```{image} ../assets/images/BigelowLabs.png :alt: Bigelow Lab :width: 180px ```
```{image} ../assets/images/apl_logo_blue.jpg :alt: UW APL :width: 180px ```
```{image} ../assets/images/logos/GMRI.png :alt: Gulf of Maine Research Institute :width: 180px ```
```{image} ../assets/images/ioos_logo.jpg :alt: IOOS :width: 180px ```
```{image} ../assets/images/logos/GOMO_Horizontal_Lockup_Logo_in_Blue.png :alt: GOMO :width: 180px ```
```{image} ../assets/images/logos/SOI-Logo-fullcolor-brand-V3.jpg :alt: Schmidt Ocean Institute :width: 180px ```
```{toctree} :maxdepth: 3 :caption: OceanHackWeek 2024 (OHW24) :hidden: schedule Organizers Logistics tutorials-index/index Projects Information for Applicants ```